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Олон нийтийн санал болгосон үг


D.O.C are that courprt that half the public don't give a toss. I been out 8mths from a womens there worse than the mens I fought to I blue in the дэлгэрэнгүй...

D.O.C are that courprt that half the public don't give a toss. I been out 8mths from a womens there worse than the mens I fought to I blue in the face in which denied me my parole. Its a hard fight but keep at it they want to take ya dignity and pride as that the only think they can if ya let him. Inmates run the prisons not the screws.

Үг оруулсан: Зочин     Зураг оруулах     Тайлбар нэмэх

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