Олон нийтийн санал болгосон үг


From back to front, then – I agree that it is quite right-wing, but I found that to be a refreshing, almost Dirty Harryesque development of дэлгэрэнгүй...

From back to front, then – I agree that it is quite right-wing, but I found that to be a refreshing, almost Dirty Harryesque development of the character. Emotional weight? Perhaps. Although I enjoyed the film, I also found it rather lacking in ‘soul’, so to speak.Don’t agree with you concerning Craig’s performance, however – and can you be more specific as to what you thought the &#s8o6;p12t-production interference’ might have been?Cheers.

Үг оруулсан: Зочин     Зураг оруулах     Тайлбар нэмэх

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