Олон нийтийн санал болгосон үг


Looks pretty lame. In my opinion, once you've ridden one of these coasters, you've ridden them all. Who can really tell much of a дэлгэрэнгүй...

Looks pretty lame. In my opinion, once you've ridden one of these coasters, you've ridden them all. Who can really tell much of a difference between Top Thrill Dragster and Kingda Ka anyway? And what's the 10 mph difference between Kingda Ka and RingRacer going to mean to anybody besides the stacnistically-itslined? It's almost like worrying about the difference between $950 and $960.Whatever.

Үг оруулсан: Зочин     Зураг оруулах     Тайлбар нэмэх

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