
2024-05-10 07:20:09http://mongoltoli.mn/


05 Aug 20, 2007 2:07 pm Tish: Going to the theater is far from an odd interest. Or maybe you should join a local rollerderby club. That'd surely get some guys' attention, right?Diva: Glad I could brighten your miserable Monday! It's actually cold here in NY today (like 70 if that, and way windy and cloudy). But your positive post has brightened my day! So how's that for karma spn..dirgea.

05 Aug 20, 2007 2:07 pm Tish: Going to the theater is far from an odd interest. Or maybe you should join a local rollerderby club. That'd surely get some guys' attention, right?Diva: Glad I could brighten your miserable Monday! It's actually cold here in NY today (like 70 if that, and way windy and cloudy). But your positive post has brightened my day! So how's that for karma spn..dirgea.
